Santa Clarita Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Lawyer
Unfortunately, nursing home injuries happen daily, neither we nor our family members and friends can escape aging. Sometimes, people reach a certain age or battle with certain ailments and the best choice for them is to place them in a nursing home or an assisted living facility.
Nursing home abuse and neglect have increased in recent years
In recent years, many of our elderly who were placed in nursing homes or assisted living facilities were instead the subject of abuse, physically, emotionally and financially. Some of the elderly were even abused or neglected in their own homes by hospice employees or assistance nurses.
The state of California has passed laws to protect its elderly residents
California has enacted certain laws to help protect our elderly, such as “Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act (EADACPA).” We, at The Mason Law Firm, are also here to protect the elderly from abuse at the hands of nursing homes and assisted living facilities.
Nursing home abuse generally fall under two categories:
- Intentional harm, which includes physical harm (such as attacks), emotional abuse, sexual assaults and financial abuse.
- Neglect. This generally comes into play when the facility fails to provide the basic needs of its residents resulting in dehydration, lack of nutrition (malnutrition), bedsores, skin ulcers, pressure sores, medication overdose, falls, and infections.
At The Mason Law Firm, we charge no fee unless there is a recovery in the case. If you, or someone you know, has been the subject of abuse at the hands of a nursing home or assisted living facility, please give us a call for an honest and complete assessment.
There is never a fee unless there is a recovery in the case.
Get The Mason Law Firm On Your Side
We offer free consultations! If one of your family member has been subject of nursing home abuse and neglect, speak to a nursing home abuse and neglect lawyer, please give us a call at
661-270-5677 or contact us online.